Advice from our Cat Experts

What to do with your cats when you’re going on vacation?
Having cats is the best. They bring us so much joy, laughter and love. But one thing people get worried about when adopting a cat is what to do when they’re going away.

How sustainable is Purrniture?
How can Purrniture make sustainable and durable cat furniture? Read our article to learn more about how eco friendly we are!
How are our cat furniture for special needs cats?
Our very good friend, Kris, behind the @CampWobblyCat and @TippyTuxies accounts, has three special needs kitties and she loves our Purrniture. We asked her a couple of questions about having wobbly kitties.

Meet Purrniture’s founder : Darryl
Darryl started Purrniture back in 1990. He has a really creative mind and a big soft spot for kitties! We managed to ask him a few questions for you to get to know him.
How to set up your home for your cat?
When you share your home with your cat, you have to make they have everything they need

Introducing a new cat into your home
We're excited to guide you through the process of choosing the right cat and introducing them to your existing cat(s).
How to know if your cat is happy?
Cats, like humans, can get depressed. Read our article to find out if your cat is truly happy, and if not, how you can make them happier!

What happened in 2023 for Purrniture?
Our cat furniture best sellers in 2023, our achievements and our goals for 2024!

Let’s get cozy for a Meowy Christmas with your cat!
How to have a wonderful Christmas with your cat? Read our article to find out!

How to celebrate Halloween with your cat?
Do you want to celebrate Halloween with your cat? We’re here to help! Read our article to know more.

Strengthening the Bond with your cat: The Ultimate Guide to Cat Yoga, DIY Toys, and Training
Discover the great ways to bond with your cat, from cat yoga to DIY cat toys and training with our cat furniture handmade in Saint Paul, MN.

Creating a Stylish and Pet-Friendly Home with Purrniture
Discover Purrniture's eco-friendly cat furniture solutions, blending style and sustainability seamlessly. Explore our cat trees, desk toppers and cat castle to create a pet-friendly home.

Finding the Purrfect Piece of Purrniture for Your Cat
Purrniture has over 20 models of cat furniture to choose from because not all cats have the same wants and needs. Read below to find out which piece of Purrniture would work best for your cats!